Pure Noise to the Rescue of Insufficient Data: Improving Imbalanced Classification by Training on Random Noise Images (Zada, Benou, Irani; 2022)

Seungjae Ryan Lee

Augmenting minority clases with pure noise images can improve model performance on long-tail datasets.

Vision-Based Manipulators Need to Also See from Their Hands (Hsu et al., 2022)

Seungjae Ryan Lee

Despite partial observability, eye-in-hand perspective consistently achieve better performance than agents trained with a third-person perspective in environments solvable with such perspective.

Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning? (Reid, Yamada, Gu, 2022)

Seungjae Ryan Lee

Pre-trained language models (GPT2, ChibiT) can help model learn offline RL tasks.

When Do Curricula Work

Seungjae Ryan Lee

As the state-of-the-art machine learning methods in many fields rely on larger datasets, storing datasets and training models on them become significantly more expensive. This paper proposes a training set synthesis technique for data-efficient learning, called Dataset Condensation, that learns to condense large dataset into a small set of informative synthetic samples for training deep neural networks from scratch. We formulate this goal as a gradient matching problem between the gradients of deep neural network weights that are trained on the original and our synthetic data. We rigorously evaluate its performance in several computer vision benchmarks and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Finally we explore the use of our method in continual learning and neural architecture search and report promising gains when limited memory and computations are available.

TALM: Tool Augmented Language Models

Seungjae Ryan Lee

Self-training for Few-shot Transfer Across Extreme Task Differences

Seungjae Ryan Lee

As the state-of-the-art machine learning methods in many fields rely on larger datasets, storing datasets and training models on them become significantly more expensive. This paper proposes a training set synthesis technique for data-efficient learning, called Dataset Condensation, that learns to condense large dataset into a small set of informative synthetic samples for training deep neural networks from scratch. We formulate this goal as a gradient matching problem between the gradients of deep neural network weights that are trained on the original and our synthetic data. We rigorously evaluate its performance in several computer vision benchmarks and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Finally we explore the use of our method in continual learning and neural architecture search and report promising gains when limited memory and computations are available.

Neural Fitted Q Iteration (Riedmiller, 2005)

Seungjae Ryan Lee

This paper introduces NFQ, an algorithm for efficient and effective training of a Q-value function represented by a multi-layer perceptron. Based on the principle of storing and reusing transition experiences, a model-free, neural network based RL algorithm is proposed. The method is evaluated on three benchmark problems. It is shown empirically, that reasonably few interactions with the plant are neeed to generate control policies of high quality.

Dataset Condensation with Gradient Matching

Seungjae Ryan Lee

As the state-of-the-art machine learning methods in many fields rely on larger datasets, storing datasets and training models on them become significantly more expensive. This paper proposes a training set synthesis technique for data-efficient learning, called Dataset Condensation, that learns to condense large dataset into a small set of informative synthetic samples for training deep neural networks from scratch. We formulate this goal as a gradient matching problem between the gradients of deep neural network weights that are trained on the original and our synthetic data. We rigorously evaluate its performance in several computer vision benchmarks and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Finally we explore the use of our method in continual learning and neural architecture search and report promising gains when limited memory and computations are available.